Terms and Conditions
Playsmart’s Privacy Policy Statement AND Personal Information Collection Statement (“Privacy Policy”)

Latest Update: 6 December 2023

1. Privacy Policy
1.1. The mobile application named “playsmart” and/or the www.playsmarthk.com respects personal data and is committed to full implementation and compliance with the data protection principles and all relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap. 486. This Policy is applicable to all of our users as well as any other persons that their personal data is collected, by whatever means, used and held by us.
1.2. This Privacy Policy is applicable users signed up as an individual as well as any other persons such that their personal data is collected, by whatever means, used and held by us.

2. Kinds of Personal Data Collected, Used and Held
(a) Information that you provide to the Company
2.1. You may provide us with your personal data at your own will.

2.2 To sign up as an individual, your email address, or third party application account, including but not limited to Facebook or Google account (and the information associated with the third party account) will be collected upon registration. For registration an individual account with us, all the aforesaid personal data are regarded as mandatory.
2.3 To sign up as an organization, the personal data of the responsible person will be collected upon registration, i.e. the name, office phone number and the mobile phone number. The Company will also collect other information about the organization, which is not personal data, i.e., the copies of the business registration certificate and/or documentary proof of non-profit making organization status, bank account details and the copies of the bank statements of the organization. For registration an organization account with us, all the aforesaid personal data of the responsible person and the information in relation to the organization are regarded as mandatory.

2.4. To make a booking, your telephone number will be collected by us for verification purpose.
2.5. If specified by the Host, you may be required to provide the following personal data, namely, HKID card number, address proof of your choice (which may be your bank statements, bills and official letters, etc.) and/or other supporting documents (i.e. your membership card or student ID.
2.6. You will not be able to make bookings if you fail to provide a valid phone number and the personal data, documents and information required by the Host.
2.7. We will use OCR to verify your HKID will NOT keep the number and any image of the HKID in our database and servers after the verification process.

2.8. It is optional for users to create user profiles under “My Profile”. If you create a user profile, your profile picture, your gender, date of birth and mobile number and personal descriptions will be collected.

2.9. If you use the chatroom feature of the Platform, we may collect and retain your chat history and records.

2.10. When you pay the Booking Price, your credit card details will NOT be collected by us. They may be collected, used and held by the relevant payment gateway. Please read the privacy policies and terms and conditions of the relevant payment gateway before you proceed to make a payment.
(b) Data that is automatically collected
2.11. Use of platform: While you access this Platform, we may also collect your computer’s Internet Protocol address (i.e. IP Address), log-in information, mobile device’s GPS, browser type, browser version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, information about your visit such as the pages that you visit, the date and time of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers, operating system and platform, details of any transactions, purchases and payment, the full Uniform Resource Locations (URL), clickstream to, through and from the Platform, browsing activities and history and other diagnostic data. The above personal data, documents and information provided by you will be used and held by the Company for the purposes mentioned in Clause 3.
2.12. If you access the Platform through a mobile application (“Apps”), International Mobile Station Equipment (“IMEI”) number or Universal Unique Identifier (“UUID”) number will also be collected, used and held by the Apps service provider.
2.13. If you call our call our customer service number, your telephone number will be collected.

3. Purposes of the Personal Data are Held
3.1. The personal data collected from you will be used by the playsmart for the following purposes: -
(a) Verification: verification of identity for listing and/or booking of space/community event in order to create and maintain a trusted environment for users.;
(b) Handling Your Requests: for handling requests of access, correction and erasure of personal data and any other requests;
(c) User Account and Activity Handling: registration for membership; identity verification; communication with users, etc.;
(d) Facilitating Payment: facilitate the money transfer from the Company to the Host;
(e) Public or social interests: prevention and detection of crime;
(f) Statistics: carry out statistics and data analysis, such reports will contain only anonymous data for the Company’s reference as well as improving our service and product quality;
(g) Direct Promotions and Marketing: we will contact you from time to time to share promotional or marketing information. Promotional and marketing subjects shall include promotion of the activities and services of the Company; and
(h) Transfer your personal data to relevant parties in relation to the Platform Services: we may transfer your personal data for communication between you and any third parties in respect of your bookings.

4. Retention of Personal Data
4.1. The Company will retain all your personal data and the transaction records so long as is necessary for the fulfilment of (i) the purpose(s) for which they were collected and (ii) of the legal requirements. All your personal data and the transaction records will be destroyed thereafter.
4.2. Our information and data are stored and maintained in our electronic database, facilities, servers and back-up servers which may be located outside Hong Kong, where the legal protection and standard of security requirements may not be equivalent to the same provided by and legally required by the applicable laws and regulations of Hong Kong. You hereby expressly consent on our transferring, storing, maintain and retaining all your information and data in our electronic databases, facilitates, servers and back-up servers located outside Hong Kong for the purposes referred to in Clause 3.

5. Accuracy and Change of Personal Data
5.1. In order to ensure the correctness of the members’ personal data, particularly contact details, retained by the playsmart, you may receive our request of confirmation or verification. Please feel free to contact us for correction or change of personal data or opt-out from receiving future direct promotional and marketing information.

6. Personal Data Handling and Security Measures
6.1. Apart from statutory requirements, the personal data we collect about you will not be disclosed to any other party without your prior approval.
6.2. We have established in place security measures and monitoring procedures to prevent unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure, loss or use of the data. All personnel that may access to the data will be ensured complying with the requirements of data protection.
6.3. Our security measures are listed below:
(a) Controls on password complexity, any password must consist of at least 8 characters, re-tries or resets are implemented to prevent passwords from being compromised.
(b) Advanced encryption technology is used to protect the safety of personal data during transmission. Our Secure Socket Layer (SSL) system will prevent your data being transmitted from unauthorized interception or access by third parties.
(c) Only the personnel that have been trained with the strict privacy guidelines and procedures are authorized to access or handle your personal data. Such personnel are accountable for non-compliance with the related obligations.
(d) The security system will be reviewed regularly.

7. Limitation of Liability
7.1. The Company has implemented all reasonably practicable procedures, measures and steps to safeguard the security of your personal data. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is totally secure. We cannot guarantee its absolute security.

8. Third-Party websites
8.1. In the course of using the Platform, you may be directed to third-party platforms. Since such platforms are not owned or operated by us, we are not responsible for any exposure or leakage or loss of your information or data provided and input by your and/or collected by the third-party platforms. All the data and information provided and input by you and/or collected by such platforms will be subject to privacy policies of the websites and/or their owners and/or developers.

9. Cookies
9.1. We may use “Cookies” to improve our internet service and enhance your online experience. Cookies are small file that are automatically stored on your web browser in your computer that can be retrieved by the Platform. Cookies may be used to remember you and your preferences when you visit the Platform and enable us to tailor the Platform to your needs. The information collected by Cookies is anonymous visitor’s personalized settings information and contains no full name or address information or any information that will enable anyone to contact you via telephone, email or any other means. We will not collect any personal data from you when the cookies are being used. You can disable cookies by changing the settings of your web browser. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer and/or device.

10. Contact Us
10.1. You have a right to request access to, and to request correction of, erase your personal data from our electronic databases your personal data from our electronic databases.
10.2. Should you have any data requests (including opt-out) and/or enquiries, please contact us via email and Instagram.
10.3. Under general circumstances, your requests or enquiries will be handled within 14 working days after receipt of the same and verification of your identity.

11. Changes in this Privacy Policy
11.1. We may update or amend this Privacy Policy in the future. The revised Policy will be posted on our Platform with an effective date. Please visit our Platform from time to time for the latest information.

12. Effective Date
12.1. This Privacy Policy becomes effective from 8 February 2021.